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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT

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have this we can point it and we can make the case again and again. >> great thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors. i am [inaudible]. i'm the medical director of environmental health. i co-chair the task force with tim. the health department's role just to give you after overview i think what we do well is provide good data and evidence, and i think data and evidence on where the injuries are happening, to whom, data and evidence of what are the avoidable causes? i think there is science on that and myths on the a joidable causes and i think we can uncover those and what are evidence based solutions? we do programs for education and cultural awareness and we will talk about those in the context of the plans. i am
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sharing the analysis that you requested. i will say a little bit more about that. i think starting -- do both mics work? starting with the trends this first slide, and i will go through these quickly. i think we can see the total injuries -- i think it's important for you -- for everyone to look at these at data for pedestrian injuries and all traffic injuries in terms of trends. it's misleading to look at a short period of time. it's misleading to look at just one intersection because these are relatively rare events but with the thousands of intersections they collectively add up but just to follow one intersection or one statistic from day to day or month to month is really misleading and lead us down the wrong road but over a decade injuries overall have defined but for pedestrians remained stable which is not acceptable. when we look at severe and
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fatal injuries we see an uptick in the number happening in the city and i think this is in part because of increase in bicycle injuries over the past few years. now, the last data point you will see here is from 2011 and i will explain why a bit later when i talk about the need for integrated pedestrian surveillance. we get the data. the data is collected by the police department. it goes to the state. the state clean its up and we get it back as an electronic record. we are trying to shorten that loop and get it from the police department so we can do the work with the data but that's why the last data point that you see here is 2011. we have data from coroner's reports directly. there were seven fatalities. 12 traffic fatalitys in the first quarter in san francisco and seven for pedestrians. the
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other important point is almost half of the fatalities and serious injuries occur pedestrians. these are the most vulnerable group to injury and death on san francisco streets. i'm not going to go through every point in the slide but a few. a current understanding of what are the environmental causes of injuries and i think our traditional focus, and i think this is one of the ways we're changing we are looking at it as an environment problem, environmental right to save streets, as an environmental protection issue. not just simply who is to blame? who did something wrong? it's important to take a balanced approach to that, so one of the important causes is kind of intuitive but we don't focus on. it's the traffic itself. one fifth of the variation from neighborhood to neighborhood is the
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differences in traffic. the second important cause is vehicle speed. vehicle speed is really responsible for all of the serious fatal and serious injuries. it's a contributing cause. if the vehicle didn't hit you very fast you're not likely to die and we know we will have pedestrians and vehicles bump into each other. maybe we can't avoid that but we can avoid the death focus we slow the speed down. while we assess speeding and we know that 20% of the injury collisions are attributable to speeding we don't know what the impact of speed itself is because people are traveling 5/10 miles over the limit and not considered speeding yet that limit is having important and direct impact on serious injuries and fatalities and the third point of the most important causes i
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think we ought to focus on is pedestrian right-of-way violation, and tim highlighted this. it's come down from the 30% from the data 10 years ago, but 25% of the total pedestrian injuries are in from left turns and let me draw you a picture. this is a pedestrian at an intersection. he or she is crossing in a crosswalk. they have the right-of-way. the signalized -- the pedestrian signal is saying walk. that guy is flashing and there is time and they're hit and i think if you think about it -- i think if you think about it you can see drivers probably -- some drivers maybe distracted but drivers are naturally trying to protect themselves from the car from the other direction. they maybe less teantdive to the pedestrian and we need to think and do
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something about that, so following up what can we do about it? and i think i am very proud of the pedestrian strategy because many of the known evidence based solutions are in this strategy and we do need to deliver on them, but i think we can get to our injury reduction goals of 50% if we do deliver on the items in this pedestrian strategy. i am very confident on that based on how other cities perform who do this, so a few things that are going to need the support of the board of supervisors are policies like photo enforcement. photo enforcement is the proven effective way of reducing speeding. we can do targeted enforcement for speeding. we can employ police to do, but usually that targeted enforcement is temporary in its
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nature. the other thing i think to really focus on is the protections for the pedestrians from turning vehicles and things like scrambles, protected left and right turns are known proven strategies to do this. now, the department's not going to suggest any particular solution. all of these things i think need to balanced and engineered proatly. we have accomplished quite a bit and one thing that was impactful was this pedestrian high injury corridor map and this map basically changed the way of looking at pedestrian injuries from okay it's everywhere to the areas
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where we have it. we developed an enforcement plan about a year ago where the police department was going to deploy their man and women power to the high injury corridors and we are interested in looking at the results from that which get me to the last slide which has to do with roles going forward. i think we -- what we intend to do and what we really need to do is have an integrated surveillance system. even with all of the numbers 20% of the injuries are not counted and we're getting this data late, so we need to as the data keeper for the city we need to bring the data from the ambulance and the hospital and the police department and the coroner's records and be able to give real time results,. one, because that's what the public wants and if we're going to
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find out the causes we need a full picture. if we're going to monitor and evaluate the policies we need that data. if we're going to evaluate the whole plan we need the data. i'm going to have anna speak about our school programs and media campaigns but i will leave you on a personal note with a few key challenges. one is we need to get away from blaming the pedestrian and the driver. we need to anticipate as cities that design streets what the behaviors are and try to project people who maybe drinking, who maybe distracted, who maybe making mistakes. those mistakes shouldn't be lethal in my opinion. we are a walking city but also a driving city. we are two cities and we have to figure out how to balance that. i think in some of the other cities with lower pedestrian injury rates but high walking
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cities they're walking cities and not driving if you look at london or a city like that. they're walking and transit city and we are still many things and we're still trying to figure that out and i think that is very important thing to do, but please hold us accountable to this strategy. it's a good strategy and there's a lot of work to do. >> supervisor kim. >>i just wanted to ask about the warehousing or the sharing of data which i think is important in planning for the improvements because we want to maximize the out comes in terms of pedestrian safety and of course we have limited resources so we got to put the dollars where it's most effective so you talked how we can cut the state -- not cut the state but get the information from them to dph and it's possible and how can we get there and how can we support that and get the quarterly
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reports from sfpd to put that data in? >> on our end, the receiving end, we are developing the data sharing agreements with the departments including the hospital and the police department and the ambulance and the cor94 and we have designed a system to collect the data and remove the duplications, the technical side of that. on the police department's end i think they're working on getting the technology to more quickly record the data, so i will let them speak. there is no roadblock in them giving the data to us. it's just they're having -- there are issues on their end so we're prepared. we're deploying new staff to this function and we spent about a year designing that function so we're excited about that. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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>> good afternoon supervisors. i am anna and i am going to talk about pedestrian safety as it relates to schools in our city. i manage the safe routes to school project and one of the key indicators in this strategy is increase walking trips to and from school so i wanted to give you a quick overview. we are about promoting safe and active walking to and from school -- also bicycling to and from school for children and their families. we work with a number of city agencies, many are in the room. also community base partnerships and of course the school district. there are two elements to the safe routes to school program. there is the program side which we manage which we go in and do what we call the 5e's, education and encouragement, enforcement and engineering and evaluation. our program does three of those.
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we're working with all of the agencies for these and of course there is the capital improvements mainly our partner at mta how we can improve the environment around the schools so it's safe to ask the families to walk to and from school, and -- our school district has about 120 plus schools so we need to obviously prioritize the schools. right now we're working in 15. we have one in every supervisory district but there is a great need out there, so for the program side what we do is we look at the -- we have a lot of data we compiled. particularly we look at schools who have a majority of families that live within a mile of the school so it's realistic to ask them to walk and bike to school and we also want to look at
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schools to increase the rates and mta looks at schools that have high rates of walking and high rates of injury and gene parker at the foot of the tunnel is ranked number one and competitively awarded great grants because of that data we have been able to compile which leads into funding so we are 100% grant funded but we're working right now on a proposal to the transportation authority which we will hear about tomorrow in plans and programs to continue the program through summer of 2017 so we have about four years ahead of us where we can do amazing work and that is my quick snap shot. >> supervisor kim. >> through the chair i had a quick question and i know we will talk about this at the ta hearing and the joint hearing with the school district as well and i will ask questions there.
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have we identified if any of the schools are along the 44 miles of priority candidates? >> we haven't done that over lay but that is the obvious next step to take. >> you mentioned that we have data on schools where there are high numbers walking and i am curious -- >> we are bringing it tomorrow. >> great. and where the collisions, the injuries exist. >> yeah. >> great. thank you. >> and we can also email that out. >> that would be very helpful. >> thank you. sfpd next. >> good afternoon supervisors. i am here to effectively address three areas and although there are three separate areas they're interconnected in their
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implementation. as the board obviously knows the police department has had staffing challenges over the years. as we look at this slide currently before you just in the last two years we have seen a reduction in staffing of some 300 officers. one of the hardest hit areas within the police department actually was the traffic company and that's in large part to the level of seniority that actually took to become a member of the traffic company, to be a member of the motorcycle unit and so forth, so as we rebound with a robust hiring plan under the mayor's leadership here we are prioritizing full staffing levels for the traffic company and the motorcycle officers. in fact we have a class that is going through right now at treasure island but those three areas i want to focus in on the enforcement, investigation and technology. >> when do you think -- when do you anticipate the department
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is at full staffing in the traffic company? >> we're looking at a 18 month full staffing plan. the training for motorcycle officers is comprehensive. it's eight weeks in training and although they're members who desire to be a part of this there are some people that don't have the necessary skills, so you may start with a group of 10 officers in the training class which is a manage annual group only to finish with six or seven just because of the rigor of the training itself which is predicated on the environment in which our officers separate in the city and the demand for the work that they need to do. >> and my understanding who pays -- does the mta pay for the traffic company? >> the mta pays about 70% cost of traffic company. >> and who -- does sfpd do reporting back to mta to make sure they're getting their
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money worth? i know you have staffing challenges but in terms of knowing exactly what is happening? >> sure we give a report to the mta and i can actually speak to that relative to technology as well, but on a monthly basis we report enforcement operation plans. we have a conduit by which we provide traffic collision information. it's not the most effective and efficient way of doing it, but we have that in place currently. as i get further in the presentation i will point out there is technology we want to have basically in place and pilot in place by june that is effectively real time in terms of not only traffic collision information about also enforcement. >> thank you. >> all right. so as we talk about the issue of enforcement and prioritizing in december of last year the mta issued an analysis of all traffic
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collisions over the last 10 years and i think that was referenced earlier. in identifying the top collision factors involved in our collisions speeding red light, failure to yield to pedestrians, stop signs and fail to yield when taking a u turn are part of the chief's directive to all personnel of the police department to focus on the five, so the five being speeding, the red light stop sign violations, fail to yield -- >> i think you need to have someone keep moving the slide. >> no, you got it there. we will advance one more. all right. this slide represents the increase that we saw -- we have seen in the use of red light cameras. they're fixed locations. there have been a
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few additional deployments in the number of years but you can see increase of violations from 2011 to 2012. that really speaks to the issue at hand and that is people operating their vehicles improperly, so these are deployed in areas that we historically have had problems. where you have the systems in place we don't see the same problems in terms of collisions but clearly you have additional violations there. another area of enforcement is impaired driving. we have partnered with the california highway patrol to run a number of different operations, mainly dui checkpoints. as you maybe aware those require notice to the public in terms where they're going to be, date and time and so forth. additionally we do
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significant amount of operations through the traffic company for just a rotating dui enforcement areas. we will satiate and then times we coordinate these operations with major events such as play off games, large civic events and so forth. as i move on into investigation one of the effort it's. >> commander i apologize for interrupting and i don't know if someone can help you see members of the public can see what board members have in front of you. >> absolutely. i am kind of speaking ahead of the slide so forgive me. i wanted to give you back drop before i go into the slide. >> okay sorry. >> one of the efforts is consolidate the resources that we have of the police department. we have a hit and run detail and a major accident investigation team. those two entities are being merged to one
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to form the traffic collision investigative unit. this unit will take on basically the follow up investigation of any traffic related collision. this unit also be supported by an associates program as developed in the department whereby we identify a group of officers that have an interest in traffic enforcement and traffic collision investigation and who operate in patrol and those individuals are trained, identified to be members of this associates program, and effectively become traffic specialists. as i speak to -- as i spoke to technology one of the issues using technology is in support of the focus of the five. the department currently has 26 light r units and light range speed guns. they're effectively a step above the radar devices that historically most folks know of. this will
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be augmented by additional units and hand held units to identify speeding vehicles and traffic. the department has also corrected the policy and procedural issues around the use of preliminary alcohol screening devices. as we are aware last year -- actually in 2011 that became an issue that the public defender's office brought to our attention and capturing the data that the devices are supposed to capture. we have replaced those devices and soon toy deployed and about 35 in total. to capture the data and make it full time real time effectively we are moving direction of electronic ticket writing and part of the system that will be shared within the police
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department and mta sewhen a traffic collision takes place and the officer writes the department into the system it's available to mta within a 24 hour basis. likewise enforcement that is conducted by way of these electronic ticket writers is it is also populated into the same data base so you can over lay where your collisions are taking place and where perspective is taking place to make sure the both are in place here. furthermore we're going to be using -- utilizing unofficer body cameras so these are cameras that the supervisors allotted $100,000 and the police department's budget to purchase cameras for targeted enforcement operations. part of that targeted enforcement operations is actually going to involve traffic officers as well. now let me get back to the slides here. as you can see from this
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one slide on the board here although we had some decreases quarterly comparison in some areas one of our targeted areas is actually pedestrian right-of-way and those operations we have literally have a plains clothe police officer walking across an intersection and those vehicles that do not yield a right-of-way are subsequently stopped by a marked police car and given tiktds so you're seeing increase from this year's operation in the number of citations issued and last year's as well. -- versus last year. >> through the chair if i may ask. how do you pick those intersections? >> those intersections are based upon the analysis that mta did in that report of 2012 where we're able to identify the top most problematic intersections
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in corridors per district. each police captain in turn has that information and current events that are taking place, concerns brought to the district level by citizens living there. on a monthly basis the captain develops a operation plan and resources are directed to specific locations and that's precisely how this is taking place and this is just a summary of the technology, the enforcement efforts, and investigative areas that we're focusing our resources on. any questions? >> yes. thank you for all of that helpful information, so in terms of focusing -- you know you have limited resources in terms of traffic enforcement and in 18 months hopefully it's back at full capacity and between
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now and then and even after that in terms of outside of the focus on the top five bad intersections how does the department make broader decisions about where to really focus traffic enforcement in other parts of the city? is that up to the district captain? it's more of a centralized process? because i will say that one consistent piece of feedback i receive from people all over my district is that they don't see much traffic enforcement. that's not to say there isn't any and a lot of times we have a problem area and the station captain in my experience is good at responding and putting some enforcement there, but i think there's a frustration that people don't at least see the enforcement, and so i'm just wondering who is making those decisions and is
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there a centralized plan? is it station by station? >> sure. there is a centralized plan. the plan is the basis -- the foundation from our decisions is the analysis conducted of the 10 years of traffic collision that the mta does in terms of identifying the most problematic intersections and corridors. on a monthly basis those district station captains use that as a baseline but obviously need to take into consideration concerns that are brought to their attention through their respective communities, and perhaps redirect from those steadfast locations to other areas within their own district. those reporting operations come down to the deputy chief of operations. they in turn -- i am provided a copy and we provide a copy to the mta as well in terms of monthly enforcement but those are targeted enforcement. i mean the expectation is every
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officer in uniform in our department plays a role in pedestrian safety by way of daily enforcement activities, and so although you will have two or so targeted enforcements in a district per month, every day is an enforcement opportunity for that particular district, and particularly in directing those resources to concerns of the community that are brought to attention. if you have a particular intersection or stop sign that citizen reporting they're seeing people drive through without stopping then it's incumbent upon the captain to provide some resources to that problem and hopefully abate it, but there say vetting of all the major targeted enforcements through the operations bureau. >> thank you. >> just a couple of questions. just last year here in the city do we know how